It wasn't common. The testing aptitude would have to be recognized early enough in the loop that the rest of the interview could be modified to a "test" loop. However, I don't think I ever heard of that - possibly because the SDET role was relatively unknown, and a person with a great "tester's mind" was more likely to be interviewing for an SDE role without realizing this other area where they might excell, than a great "dev mind" interviewing for an SDET role without realizing their SDE potential.
Keep in mind that I graduated over 5 years ago, so I don't know if even this scenario happens anymore. At the time, the SDET role at Microsoft was pretty mysterious, and most people didn't really know about automated testing when they were in college.
I think that's changed a lot since then. The coding questions are usually about the same, although slightly less sophisticated answers might be accepted provided the person shows a clear bias towards quality e. Any leeway on the coding is more than made up for by the need to have an ability to critically think about quality and testing.
Demonstrating a real and honest passion for testing will make you stand out, whereas devs with a real passion for development are relatively common.
This might not last; SDET roles are becoming more popular lately, as more companies hire for that role and as the field becomes better understood. Just make sure you actually enjoy testing. If you're really a pure dev at heart, you might find it difficult and dull. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams?
Learn more. Asked 11 years, 1 month ago. Interview Questions Q1. Questions was also to write test cases and check every possibilty. Add Answer Collapse.
Second question was card shuffling problem. One question was think how the database design of Facebook could be. And there were few more coding questions on data structures. It was basically 1 question round but that had two parts. And writting and covering all possible scenarios and write test cases for them. It was based on deleting elements from an array form a given index. Indexes which are to be deleted are stored in a second array. This was to be done in O n. This round covered Data structure based prograaming as well OS concepts on multithreading as well.
One question was to design data structures to delete pages from a web server which are no longer in existense and have no link on website. That is pages which have expired and no longer in use and has no refernce on any of the page son current website. One question to desgin lift system and waht whould be the design. This was the last round. Questions based on college projects and training project was asked. A question was asked to design an algorithm for a new type of contact search application of mobile phones.
Interview Experience Round: Test Experience: 10 Objective type questions mainly from data structures. Questions on structures,union , trees,graphs etc First question was purely coding in most optimized way and taking care of all conditions possible. Helpdesk person, tester, developer, and some point-of-time business analyst are involved with that issue and try to understand the exact impact of that specific issue, based on that they have given the severity of that issue.
So priority defines how important that issue is, and severity is defined as the impact or destruction ability of that issue. Answer: Ad-hoc testing is defined as the testing is being done on an ad-hoc basis without any reference and proper inputs to the test case and without any plan, test cases, and documentation.
Ad-hoc testing is an informal way of finding bugs from an application and can be performed by anyone in the team. Answer: Three key tasks are always taken huge time for the tester on any day:.
Answer: This is one critical decision, so a single person or junior guys have never taken it. Only the developer and tester are not involved in taking this decision; higher management is periodically involved in that. Management test mainly ensure by validating below for ensuring product delivery are bugless:. Answer: Alpha testing done by the tester identified bugs before moving the product to a live environment or to the end-user.
Answer: Risk-Based testing is defined as the functionalities of a product are tested based on the priority of the deliverables. Risk-Based testing includes testing of crucial features of a product that will have a business impact, and the probability of the failure of those features is very high. The priority for all functionalities of a product is set based on the business requirement; then, the high priority functionalities will be tested first, then medium, and then low priority functionalities.
Some popular test cases in the current IT industry are below:. Answer: It is one of the common scenarios where documentation is not properly available for all kinds of test cases, but the requirement must be fulfilled and delivered to the client on time.