We will go in to further detail on each of these below. One of the items you are able to add to your Chrome browser are known as web apps. These applications range from games that can be played all the way to Offline Gmail!
This means we use Google Apps inside and out and also are big fans of the Google Chrome browser. We would like to recommend a few apps that members of our organization use and think you could benefit from as well. A great example of one of these extensions is the Google Mail Checker.
This extension provides you with the count of unread email messages in your inbox. If you are not logged in to your inbox, you can simply click on the extension located in the upper right hand corner and your inbox will open!
Take some time to browse through the available extensions that have categories very similar to the ones listed above in the Apps section. We do recommend a few extensions and they are listed below:. Sometimes plain is just plain boring. The web version taps several new Chrome capabilities to ensure smooth experience one would expect from a native version.
More information and three screenies right after the break. The game has new levels that are exclusive to the Chrome version, he said. These are based on familiar elements, like Google colors and Chrome graphics.
For example, in one level Chrome buttons become rocks. And thanks to the latest in-app purchase Google unveiled for web apps with five percent flat fee , you can buy a Mighty Eagle for 99 cents inside the web app to clear the level that has been ticking you off. Play Angry Birds game on Google Chrome. Screenshot: Angry Birds Game Apart from the normal game that you have already seen in your mobile phones, the Chrome web version even includes the new web-exclusive Chrome-inspired levels.
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